Dolly’s Dream & HSTB Partnership

The Humane Society of Tampa Bay has partnered with Dolly’s Dream to help save the lives of square-headed dogs. Because of the stigma of their looks, many dogs of breeds associated with large, square-shaped heads languish in or are euthanized* at shelters every day. Dolly’s Dream partners with humane societies to rescue and re-home these magnificent, misunderstood dogs and joined forces with the Humane Society of Tampa Bay in July 2017 to sponsor two adoptable dogs every month for six months. This partnership has continued through the years and is ongoing. We have adopted 159 dogs through the Dolly’s Dream program thus far.

*The Humane Society of Tampa Bay is a managed admission (no-kill for space) shelter and does not euthanize animals in their adoption program to free up kennel space.

Dolly’s Dream Dogs Include

  • 3 In-Home Training Sessions with a Certified Dog Trainer
  • Bandanna
  • Collar
  • Dog Bed
  • Food & Water Bowls
  • Toys
  • Training Crate
  • Training Treat Bag
  • Harness
  • ID Tag
  • Leash


Adoption Staff


Dolly’s Dream Dog Adoptions to Date


Adopt a Dolly’s Dream Dog
Dolly’s Dogs will be identified with a sign on their kennel. Please visit all our adoptable dogs to find a forever friend in need of a home.

Dolly’s Success Stories

Eeyore - Available for Adoption!
Eeyore may be his name, but this boy has the personality of a Tigger! Eeyore was surrendered to our shelter in mid-May when his owner lost their home and could no longer keep him. He’s an active, fun loving five-year-old, and he’s done great with kids – he had lived with kids previously and quickly became a fan favorite with our summer Critter Campers! He loves to play, so having some toys, supplies and training aids courtesy of Dolly's Dream will set up very well in his new home!
Ashley is 7 and a half years old and a very sweet girl. She originally came in as a stray and was adopted out for a few days but was brought back unfortunately. She has a few medical issues like a luxating patella and a mass that we removed, but she absolutely loves people, and she has now found her family! Elijah has been coming in for a couple of months looking for the right pet, and one day, he came and saw Ashley. He says he felt they connected right away, and he came back with his family so they could all meet Ashley. Ashley got along with all of them, especially his little sister. 🙂 The family had not had a dog for the past 12 years, but Ashley made them feel like it was the right fit and the right time to get a new dog!! Ashley has now gone to her forever home where she will be loved, cared for, and spoiled.
Parker got adopted! Fernando had been thinking about adopting a dog for months. He had spent countless weekends visiting shelters, searching for the right match. He wanted a companion who could keep up with his active lifestyle, and after several visits, he finally came across Parker—a lively pit bull with a heart as big as his enthusiasm. Parker is a bundle of energy, but despite his boisterous nature, there was a gentleness in his demeanor that instantly drew Fernando in. While they outside meeting, Fernando saw his boundless energy that matched his own and that Parker was the perfect companion for his active lifestyle. We are so glad to see him go to his forever home, but we will miss him greatly!


Rome is 3 years old and came to the shelter as a stray at the end of March. Claudia's daughter, Josephine spotted Rome on our website and loved him. She wanted a dog that was low key and that had been here for some time. Rome was perfect for the family, checking off several - if not all - of the things she wanted in a dog. The family came to HSTB several times to see Rome; his alopecia didn’t matter as much as rescuing a dog that had spent way too much time in a shelter. Rome went home to live a great life and enjoy his new big back yard. The whole family love Rome’s easy going nature, even for a dog that weighs 81 lbs. Smiles, hugs, licks, and happy tails for all. We are so HAPPY for you Rome. PUP CUPS FOREVER!!!


Buddy is a one-year-old terrier mix who originally came to the shelter as a stray. Nicholas had been following Buddy on our website for a long time, but circumstances prevented him from coming in to adopt Buddy initially. When he noticed Buddy was off the website, he assumed he was adopted and happy in a home. Nicholas still checked our website regularly to see who was available, and one day saw Buddy back up for adoption. It was a sign! So, he came to the shelter with his dog, Bear, for a visit. Nicholas met with Buddy first and it went great, so he brought Bear out for the big “test”. Initially, Bear was a bit standoffish, but after a few minutes, they were playing and running together! When Buddy was playing with too much energy, Bear would tell him, and Buddy would listen and back off, and then play would continue. Buddy and Bear are going to be the best of friends, and we are so happy that Buddy went home!

Ursula, a two-year-old terrier mix, came to the shelter back in November as a stray, and was our current longest canine resident. Sabrina had seen Ursula on our Website and told her husband Daniel they should go and see her. After arriving at the shelter, they were looking at both Ursula and another dog. However, once they met Ursula, they know she was the one - Ursula matched exactly what they hoped for! With their active family - three active preteen boys who love sport - Ursula will have all the love and attention she wants!
A huge favorite of the staff here at the Humane Society of Tampa Bay, Diamond arrived at the shelter just after Christmas. Although adored and well cared for, she was always passed over by potential adopters. That is, until Diamond’s former foster mom realized she was back at the shelter. Diamond had been fostered as a puppy with the rest of her litter before her original adoption. Her foster mom then contacted her own mother, who was looking to adopt a big dog after losing her mastiff several years ago. She rushed to the shelter and wanted to see no other dog–it was Diamond or nothing. Now Diamond will get to have family meet ups with one of her littermates because her foster mom adopted one of her brothers years ago! We are so happy for Diamond and her new extended family!
Sweet Harley came to us back in October due to her owner moving. Harley's timid behavior in her kennel made most people overlook her, but did not scare her new mom Autumn away. Autumn came in to wanting to look at a few dogs before she made her mind up; but, when she met Harley, it was love at first sight. Harley is a bit nervous at first, but once she came outside into our play yards, her personality truly shined. We know Harley and Autumn will be the best of friends on their new journey together!
King was constantly overlooked by potential adopters due to his high energy, but when Cheryl and her husband saw King, they instantly fell in love. They were initially intrigued by his curiosity and how he kept his eyes on them the entire time they walked through the kennels, and when they finally got to see his personality shine in the play yard, they decided they just had to have him! 🙂

Mrs. Walker came to the shelter to look around and saw the sweet personality of Bonnie. She liked how she acted so much that she signed up for a visit the same day. Not wanting to rush into anything , she decided to take the night and think it over. Her heart was stolen by Bonnie, and she came right back the next day to give our little 7 yr. old a loving home. Bonnie had been at the shelter since August 2023, and was so happy to finally get her forever home!
Peggy has always been a large dog owner. Her last dog was with her for 10 years and she recently said a final goodbye to him due to his deteriorating health. Peggy thought it would be a while before she was ready for her next dog. However, she decided to visit the shelter to just walk through the kennels, and she immediately fell in love with Skye! As soon as she took her out to visit, she was ready to take her home!
Ashton and Laura came into the shelter with their son to adopt Brittany. Ashton had been checking out our website all week making a list of possible dogs to visit, and the day they came in, we had JUST picked Brittany to be a Dolly’s Dream dog! They loved how sweet she was and that she was the perfect size for their son as well, so they didn’t need to see any of the other dogs on his list. Brittany will be sporting her new tag courtesy of Dolly's Dream and showing off her new name – Dime!
Rex adopted a Dolly’s Dream dog in September 2018, and decided now was the time to add to the family and get his dog a playmate. He saw Tonka, who will now be called Turbo, and was excited to take him home! Tonka (Turbo) will be enjoying the good life with his new family and doggie sibling!
After watching the website and making sure that they were prepared, Charlene and her son eagerly came in and waited patiently to take Poomba home. They fell in love with him, and he fell in love with them, too! After some time spent playing and giving treats, they decided to officially adopt Poomba. They kept his name because they said that he does look like Pumba from the Lion King. They could not wait to take their new furry family member home and give him his best life! We are so happy that Poomba found a home!

Jackson went home! Christine and her son came in to find a new family member this Saturday and little did Jackson know, his 5 month stay was about to come to an end! Christine said that they have been waiting to find the perfect dog for their family, and when they saw Jackson they were thrilled. When Jackson was taken to the play yard and saw his new family, he was all smiles knowing that he was finally getting the family he deserved. We were all so happy to see Jackson walk out of the shelter with his new family!


Bruno went home this week! William came into the shelter specifically looking at our longer residents. He works remotely and is also the in home caregiver for both his 80 year old parents, so someone is always home. He has a cousin who regularly visits with their dogs, so William couldn’t wait for Bruno to meet his new cousin once settled in. As the picture shows, Bruno is more than ready to go home and doesn’t want to wait for his picture to get taken before jumping in the car!


Fauna went home this week!! Fauna had been adopted and returned a few times before, but when Joshua came to visit she ran and put her head on his shoulder, and he fell in love. She looks just like his other dog Nova, and they had a play date, which went very well before adopting. He loves that she is very active just like his other dog Nova, and likes that she's so sweet and cute. Yay for Fauna!


Pongo got adopted! Peyton came into the shelter looking for another big and active dog, as he’d had pit bull/lab mixes in past and loves the personality and energy they have. He was drawn to Pongo by his “smile” when they saw him in his kennel. He also loved how energetic Pongo was (plans to make him his running buddy), but also loves that he would relax and cuddle with them. Peyton has experience working in a humane society out of state where he worked with the ‘harder to handle’ dogs and can’t wait to get Pongo home!


Zeus has finally gone home! He was our longest resident, having come to the shelter in mid-October. We had been featuring him in some spot light formats for a couple weeks: on radio spots, as our FOX 13 Pet of the Week, etc., but nobody was coming in to take him to his forever family. Luckily, Abigail had been wanting a larger dog, and when she saw Zeus she fell in love. She came into the shelter with her boyfriend and they loved his goofy and sweet personality. We are so happy for Zeus!


The Valentin family instantly saw Xena in the shelter and fell in love. When they visited the first time, Wanda cried because she believed that they wouldn't be able to adopt her – Xena has a lot of energy at times. She told her husband about Xena and brought him along for a second visit. After one more visit and hearing input from staff and volunteers that have worked with Xena and realizing the training and other benefits they get with a Dolly’s Dream dog, they decided to take her home, and the rest is history!


Dawnann came in looking for a companion for her kids as they have had dogs in the past, but it had been a while. She was walking the kennels and saw Quill and just fell in love. She went on a visit with him and knew he would be perfect for her family. She came back later with her kids just to make sure everyone got along and it was a perfect fit... an energetic dog for her energetic kids! 🙂

When our adoption coordinator asked if she could get a picture, the Dawnann and her kids sat on bench and Quill ran over and sat looking right at camera, so proud he found his new family. So cute! We are so happy for Quill and his new family!

Papa - Adopted Again!

Papa was previously a Dolly’s Dream dog and was returned due to his owner moving and not being able to go with the family. Once a Dolly’s Dream dog, always a Dolly’s dog! Papa got placed back in the Dolly's Dream program to help him find a forever family.

Mr. Jern saw Papa on our website and came to meet him as soon as he could. Papa is a super wiggly boy when out with people, and his new dad simply LOVED that about him and could not wait to take him home! Congratulations on your new home, Papa!


Rosco gets a forever home! Rosco’s adopter came in after seeing him on our website and loved the smile he had on his portrait. When she got to meet him, she loved his goofy personality and how friendly he was. She didn't mind the heartworms ether. She wasn't able to adopt that day but she came back the following afternoon! It was a bit of a wait due to the end of day rush, but she didn't mind at all and was just happy to take him home. Rosco was a little nervous to get in the car, but once his new mom hopped behind the wheel, they were off on a new adventure together!


Papa got adopted! Andony came into the shelter looking for a companion after losing his 9 year old English bulldog. He was looking for another English Bulldog, but when he came across Papa, he loved his energy and spirit. Andony knows Papa is going to require a good bit of work, but with only him and Papa in the house, he is more than committed to give Papa what he needs to succeed. Congratulations to Andony and Papa!


Heather got Adopted! Heather's new family came to the shelter looking at bigger dogs.  They have a small dog at home that they love and adore, but since Heather's new mom works from home, she wanted a bigger dog for herself and to cuddle with.

They looked at 2 different dogs but loved Heather's calmer demeanor. They knew that with everything Heather had been through, it would take some extra time and love, but they were willing to put in the work.  The family and the adoption counselor took some extra time in the play yard to ensure it was the right fit, and eventually, Heather started to warm up to everyone and came and sat right at their feet to say "Let's go home!"


Khloe went home! Khloe's new family is no stranger to large dogs. They had lost their Rottweiler about a year ago and their grandson had been begging them for another dog. They came to Tampa for some good pizza at their favorite shop, stopped in the shelter and left with a new pup to love. Khloe will have almost an acre of fenced in back yard, and a VERY rambunctious 4 year old to keep her company!


Hogan has been adopted!  Jean came in looking for a pitty mix in particular; he had the breed growing up and likes their energy.  He also has a fairly young child at home who he feels would be better off with a big dog as a companion.

Hogan is a big sweetheart who ultimately just wants to chase his tennis balls as well as his tail, and after seeing Hogan in the yard, Jean knew this energy and demeanor was exactly what he was looking for.

Titan has been adopted!  A lovely couple and their roommate came in to the shelter, ready to add a furry companion to the family. They saw Titan listed on our website and when they walked through the shelter, it was an immediate love connection.  Happy days ahead for Titan and his new family!


These adopters saw Bingo on the website! She told her mom about Bingo and her mom told her that she needed to go and visit him before adopting. On the visit she explained how she has been looking for a dog to grow and work with. When Bingo came out he went straight up to her and kissed her face. They were running around and playing the whole time and at the end she sat down on the grass and Bingo went straight and flopped into her lap. They are a perfect fit!! Happy days ahead.


Hi, I'm Freya! I'm a 4-year-old down to earth girl and I am so happy that I found someone who is interested in a long term relationship, and who can be my best friend.

Freya went home to Rodolfo Martinez, they've been wanting a dog for the longest time. Now that the Martinez' have a house with a big back yard, they can give Freya a proper welcome home.

Hi, I’m Hope! I’m a 5-year-old, 50 lb. Terrier.  I'm so happy to be a Dolly's Dream Dog and so happy to be in my forever home! Her story: Hope was adopted by the wonderful Klaus family! They are pittie lovers who are so excited to bring another rescue dog into their lives after losing their beloved dog Ebay last year. So happy for our sweet girl!!
Hi, I’m Wes! I’m a 4-year-old, 60 lb. Terrier/Mix. I'm so happy to be a Dolly's Dream Dog and have found my forever family! His story: Wes was a very nervous dog at first when meeting new people. He was always barking when people walked by his kennel, and many people took this as a sign of aggression when in reality he was just looking for some love and attention. The next trait people tend to notice was his itchy and irritated skin, which was caused by his chicken allergy. Many people were very avoiding of Wes in general, despite his big baby personality. Luckily, William Parker Jr. and his wife came through the shelter after seeing him online and knew he had potential. William didn't realize how much he would love Wes until he actually took him out to the play yard and Wes lit up and just starting expressing his puppy like attitude. William has several pits as past dogs and understands the commitment and required training he will still need, but with his wife (who is a vet) by his side, Wes has a happy and bright future to look forward to!
Sincere is a 5-year-old boy who is so happy to go home with a loving family! He LOVES Kong Balls full of peanut butter and loves people. Have a great life, Sincere!
Zeus is a 5-year-old Terrier/Mix who weights about 60 pounds. He LOVES tennis balls, is good on a leash & friendly with people and other dogs. He is so happy to have found his forever home and family!
Peanut has found his perfect home! Just in time for the holidays!
Georgia has found her forever home!
Sweet Sissy has found the perfect home!
Barney, our longest resident, has finally found his forever home! Our staff and volunteers were thrilled for this sweet boy!
Sweet Nyxx has found the perfect home!
Punkin found his perfect match!
Rick found his new family!
Energetic Roy has found his forever home!
Gator has been returned numerous times, but he just clicked with his new forever family, and even their family pet! We are so happy for them!
Frankie has found his forever home!
Rosie has found her forever home thanks to Dolly's Dream!
Handsome Cliff as found his new family!
Tigger was adopted into his forever home!
Ranie had been at HSTB for over a month and half. We are so thrilled that she has found her perfect home!
Our sweet and energetic Lowell was adopted into a loving family. We are so happy he has a second chance at life!
Our loving Scooby has found a wonderful family. We are so happy he has a second leash on life!
Harvey has found his new family. He especially found of his new two-legged brother. We are so happy for this pup!
Checo went home today with this wonderful couple. They recently moved into their own place & were looking for a new member to add to their household. They were so excited to bring him home to give him all the love he deserves.
Our beautiful Athena  who birthed 9 babies, many of which were parvo positive found her forever home. During her adoption, many of our wonderful staff came in to say goodbye and to tell her how much they loved her with plenty of kisses and hugs too! The adopter was so touched by all the love Athena received that she started crying and said "I want to volunteer here, I have to be part of this!"
Loretta has found her new family! We are so happy for this sweet girl who was one of our longest residents!
Our handsome Ozzy has found his forever home!
Handsome Chucky has found the perfect home! We are so happy for this active pup.
Rocky went home with his new owner. She said she saw him on the website the other day but didn't get a chance to come in to meet him till today. Her & her boyfriend were so excited to see he was still here! They were so happy that he gets to go home with everything he needs & more. They cant wait to get him trained & give him the best life he can have!
Scoobi has found his forever home! We are so happy for this energetic pup!
Handsome Hank has found a wonderful new home!
Our Queen Victoria has found her new home. We are so happy for this pup!
Burke was adopted and we are so happy for this handsome pup and his new family.
Sweet Lucy has found her new home. We are so happy for this loving pup!
Meatball the dog, found his perfect forever home! We are so happy for him.
Sweet Kai was adopted into a wonderful home! We can't wait to see him blossom with his new mom!
Sweet Silas has found her forever home. We are so glad she has been given a second chance!
Angel came in as a stray and we are so excited that he has found his forever home....complete with a 2-legged sibling!
Runner is a big, goofy boy with LOTS of energy. We are so glad he found his forever home to have a second leash on life!
Our sweet girl Kay has found her forever home. Thank you Dolly's Dream for helping us make this possible!
Sweet Kobe is about 10 months old. He is still learning how to be the best dog I can be. He has lots of energy and we are thrilled he found his perfect home!
Sweet Sampson has a new family! We are thrilled he has found his forever home! He is our 100th Dolly’s Dream adoption!
Our energetic Sammy has found his forever home! We are so happy he has a new family to show him the love he deserves!
Our snuggle bug Mercy has found her forever home. We are thrilled that she will have a lifetime of love!
Our energetic and playful Hugo has found his forever home! We are so happy for him!
Sweet and goofy Walker has found his forever home. We are so happy for him and his new family
Bud prefers to be the only pup is in home. We are thrilled he has found the perfect home and wish him a lifetime of happiness!
Sweet and playful Isa has a new leash on life. She has found her forever home and is so happy to spend it with her new Mommy!
Our sweet boy King, who’s had a hard past, now has a bright future ahead of him! He will get to be the King of his castle in his new forever home!
Dillinger is a three old pup who was found as a stray. We are thrilled that he has found the perfect home for his second chance on life!
Shark has found his new family! His new owner came in with a volunteer group through MacDill Air Force Base and she fell in love with him. She came back a few days later when she was off worked and was hopeful that Shark was still here, and he was! Shark is in love with his new two-legged sibling as well! They could not be happier.
Butterfly has her new home, complete with a four-legged brother named Jojo! They had a great time playing around in our play yard!
Sweet Vinny, who was originally found emaciated and weak, has met his forever family!
Three year old lady has found her perfect home! This sweet pup can be overwhelmed by other dogs so we are glad she has found a quiet home for her forever home!